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    '); img.css({'position':'absolute'}); //if (item.css('display') != "none") aoh++; setTimeout(function() { img.animate({'top':ih+'px'},{duration:opt.speed,queue:false}); item.animate({'opacity':0},{duration:opt.speed,queue:false}); },aoh*125); }); // REMOVE THE ITEMS WE DONT NEED, AND REMOVE THE CLASSES setTimeout(function() { $('body').find('.all-group').each(function(i) { var item=$(this); if (!item.hasClass(selector.data('group'))) { item.css({'display':'none'}) } else { item.css({'display':'block','opacity':0}) } item.removeClass('alpha') item.removeClass('omega') item.remove('nopadding'); }); },opt.speed+aoh*125); setTimeout(function() { var start=0; var many = $('body').find('.'+selector.data('group')).length; var lasts = many - (Math.floor(many / opt.row) * opt.row); if (lasts==0) lasts=opt.row; $('body').find('.'+selector.data('group')).each(function(i) { start++; var item=$(this); item.css({'display':'block','opacity':0}); // STOP IMG ANIMATION var img=item.find('img:first'); var dele=item.find('.deletemesoon'); dele.css({'width':'100%'}); img.css({'top':'0px'}); dele.css({'height':img.height()+"px"}); img.stop(); img.css({'position':'absolute','top':img.height()+"px"}); img.animate({'top':'0px'},{duration:opt.speed,queue:false}); var oholder = bod.find('.portfoliooutterholder'); setTimeout(function() { img.prependTo(item.find('a:first')); img.css({'position':'relative','top':'0px'}); item.find('.deletemesoon').remove(); },opt.speed+10+aoh*125); item.stop(); item.animate({'opacity':1},{duration:opt.speed,queue:false}); if (start==1) item.addClass('alpha'); if (start===opt.row) { item.addClass('omega'); start=0; } if (i>=many-lasts) { item.addClass('nopadding'); } else { item.removeClass('nopadding'); } }); buildRows(opt); // SET HEIGHT OF PORTFOLIO HOLDER var iholder = bod.find(opt.portfolioContainer); oholder.stop(); oholder.animate({'height':iholder.outerHeight()+"px"},{duration:400,queue:false}); },(opt.speed+20)+(aoh*125)); } else { $('body').find('.nonclickbar').remove(); // IF UNSLECTED ARE STILL VISIBLE, WE DONT NEED TO REMOVE THEM... $('body').find('.all-group').each(function() { var item=$(this); item.stop(); if (item.hasClass(selector.data('group'))) { item.animate({'opacity':1},{duration:opt.speed,queue:false}); } else { var w=item.outerWidth(); var h=item.outerHeight(); var t=item.position().top; var l=item.position().left; // ADD THE OVERLAY ON THE A TAG BY HOVER item.parent().append('
    '); item.parent().find('.nonclickbar').css({'opacity':0.0}).addClass(item.data('row')); item.animate({'opacity':opt.nonSelectedAlpha/100},{duration:opt.speed,queue:false}); } }); setTimeout(function() {buildRows(opt);},100); } return false; }); }); var lodedimg=0; bod.find('.all-group').waitForImages( function() { buildRows(opt); if (opt.nonSelectedAlpha===0) { // SET THE OUTTER AND INNER HEIGHT OF THE CONTAINER DIV var oholder = bod.find('.portfoliooutterholder'); var iholder = bod.find(opt.portfolioContainer); oholder.css({'width':'100%','height':iholder.height()+"px"}); if (!oholder.hasClass("row")) oholder.addClass("row"); } }, function() { lodedimg = lodedimg+1; buildRows(opt); } ); buildRows(opt,true); $(window).resize(function() { clearTimeout(opt.resized); opt.resized=setTimeout(function() { buildRows(opt,true); },100); }); }) } }) ////////////////////////////////////////////// // BUILD THE ROWS ON RESCALING OR AT START // //////////////////////////////////////////// function buildRows(opt,no) { var bod=$('body'); // REMOVE ACTUAL ROWS (IF THERE IS ANY) bod.find('.rowwrap').each(function(i) { var item=$(this).find('.rowed:first'); item.unwrap(); }); // REMOVE THE ROWED AND ROWx CLASSES bod.find('.rowed').each(function(i) { var item=$(this); item.removeClass(item.data('row')); item.removeClass('rowed'); }); var row=0; // GO THROUGH, AND CHECK ALPHAS AND OMEGAS bod.find('.all-group').each(function(i) { var item=$(this); item.addClass('row'+row); item.addClass('rowed'); item.data('row','row'+row); if (item.hasClass('omega')) { row++; } }); // CREATE ROWS AROUND THE ITEMS for (i=0;i'); } // SET HEIGHT OF EACH ROW HERE bod.find('.killerclear').remove(); var maxrowa = bod.find('.rowwrap').length; bod.find('.rowwrap').each(function(j) { var $this=$(this); var max=0; $this.find('.rowed').each(function(i) { if ($(this).css('display')!="none") { //console.log(j+". Row Element "+i+". height:"+$(this).outerHeight()); if (max<$(this).height()) max=$(this).outerHeight(); } }); //console.log(j+'. Row Berechnete:'+max); $this.css({'height':(max)+"px"}); //max+"px"}); //if (j'); //} else { // console.log('Last Row has no Clear !!'); //} }); var oholder = bod.find('.portfoliooutterholder'); var iholder = bod.find(opt.portfolioContainer); oholder.stop(); oholder.animate({'height':iholder.outerHeight()+"px"},{duration:400,queue:false}); }; })(jQuery); /* * waitForImages 1.3.3 * ----------------- * Provides a callback when all images have loaded in your given selector. * http://www.alexanderdickson.com/ * * * Copyright (c) 2011 Alex Dickson * Licensed under the MIT licenses. * See website for more info. * */ ;(function($) { // CSS properties which contain references to images. $.waitForImages = { hasImageProperties: [ 'backgroundImage', 'listStyleImage', 'borderImage', 'borderCornerImage' ] }; // Custom selector to find `img` elements that have a valid `src` attribute and have not already loaded. $.expr[':'].uncached = function(obj) { // Firefox will always return `true` even if the image has not been downloaded. // Doing it this way works in Firefox. var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = obj.src; return $(obj).is('img[src!=""]') && ! img.complete; }; $.fn.waitForImages = function(finishedCallback, eachCallback, waitForAll) { // Handle options object. if ($.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) { eachCallback = finishedCallback.each; waitForAll = finishedCallback.waitForAll; finishedCallback = finishedCallback.finished; } // Handle missing callbacks. finishedCallback = finishedCallback || $.noop; eachCallback = eachCallback || $.noop; // Convert waitForAll to Boolean waitForAll = !! waitForAll; // Ensure callbacks are functions. if (!$.isFunction(finishedCallback) || !$.isFunction(eachCallback)) { throw new TypeError('An invalid callback was supplied.'); }; return this.each(function() { // Build a list of all imgs, dependent on what images will be considered. var obj = $(this), allImgs = []; if (waitForAll) { // CSS properties which may contain an image. var hasImgProperties = $.waitForImages.hasImageProperties || [], matchUrl = /url\((['"]?)(.*?)\1\)/g; // Get all elements, as any one of them could have a background image. obj.find('*').each(function() { var element = $(this); // If an `img` element, add it. But keep iterating in case it has a background image too. if (element.is('img:uncached')) { allImgs.push({ src: element.attr('src'), element: element[0] }); } $.each(hasImgProperties, function(i, property) { var propertyValue = element.css(property); // If it doesn't contain this property, skip. if ( ! propertyValue) { return true; } // Get all url() of this element. var match; while (match = matchUrl.exec(propertyValue)) { allImgs.push({ src: match[2], element: element[0] }); }; }); }); } else { // For images only, the task is simpler. obj .find('img:uncached') .each(function() { allImgs.push({ src: this.src, element: this }); }); }; var allImgsLength = allImgs.length, allImgsLoaded = 0; // If no images found, don't bother. if (allImgsLength == 0) { finishedCallback.call(obj[0]); }; $.each(allImgs, function(i, img) { var image = new Image; // Handle the image loading and error with the same callback. $(image).bind('load error', function(event) { allImgsLoaded++; // If an error occurred with loading the image, set the third argument accordingly. eachCallback.call(img.element, allImgsLoaded, allImgsLength, event.type == 'load'); if (allImgsLoaded == allImgsLength) { finishedCallback.call(obj[0]); return false; }; }); image.src = img.src; }); }); }; })(jQuery); /* http://keith-wood.name/backgroundPos.html Background position animation for jQuery v1.0.1. Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at}iinet.com.au) November 2010. Dual licensed under the GPL (http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/jquery/GPL-LICENSE.txt) and MIT (http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt) licenses. Please attribute the author if you use it. */ (function($){var g='bgPos';$.fx.step['backgroundPosition']=$.fx.step['background-position']=function(a){if(!a.set){var b=$(a.elem);var c=b.data(g);b.css('backgroundPosition',c);a.start=parseBackgroundPosition(c);a.end=parseBackgroundPosition($.fn.jquery>='1.6'?a.end:a.options.curAnim['backgroundPosition']||a.options.curAnim['background-position']);for(var i=0;i-1){e[1]=e[0];e[0]='50%'}f(0);f(1);return e}$.fn.animate=function(e){return function(a,b,c,d){if(a['backgroundPosition']||a['background-position']){this.data(g,this.css('backgroundPosition')||'center')}return e.apply(this,[a,b,c,d])}}($.fn.animate)})(jQuery);